Putley Parish Hall

The Hall, built in 1931, and recently modernised and re-furbished, consists of a large main hall with raised stage, a bar, kitchen, toilets and lobby. Level access is via the rear fire doors and there is an accessible toilet. Outside is a grassed area and a car park with parking for up to 12 cars.
For bookings contact on Josephine Felton 01531 670425 or complete a hire request form.
- Main hall capacity 100
- Small meeting room for 8/10, with separate entrance.
- Bar area 20
- Fully equipped kitchen
- 60 upholstered chairs and walls benches for 20
- Large & small folding tables
- Wi-Fi
- Performing Rights Licence
- Premises Licence for 140
- Basic LED stage lighting
- Wall mounted projection screen

- Double sink
- Double electric oven
- Gas hob
- Microwave oven
- Large hot case
- Hot plate with gantry lights
- Bain marie
- Soup kettle
- Urn
- Filter coffee maker
- Fridge/Freezer
- Crockery and cutlery for 80

- Full Licence
- Sink
- Beer, wine, water glasses for 100
- Two tables
- Hire charge £12.00 per hour
- Putley residents £9.00 per hour
Mr Nigel Sweet, Chairman
Mrs Josephine R Felton, Secretary
Mr Jake Herbst, Parish Council Representative
Mrs Rachel Wilson, WI Representative
Mrs. Jayne Cresswell, Treasurer, Licensee, Prancing Pony representative
Mr Norman Stanier
Mary Fielding
David Hewitt
Putley Parish Hall is a registered charity, number 520977.

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Find out more about Putley on the Putley Parish website.