Standard Conditions of Hire
- All hirings are at the discretion of the Management Committee.
- To comply with the licence the number of people in the hall must not exceed 140.
- Tables and chairs must be arranged to allow for unimpeded access to fire exits.
- Benches to be kept against a wall.
- An announcement must be made at the beginning of any function to inform guests of fire exits.
- The stage is for performances only, portable access step provided.
- Fire alarm reset instructions in event of false alarm are in control box on wall in bar, next to boiler.
- All doors must be unbolted, but not necessarily open, for length of hire.
- Hirers must not leave the hall unattended, while unlocked, at any time during the hiring.
- NO SMOKING anywhere in the building.
- The sale of alcohol on the premises, which are licensed, is at the discretion of the Trustees.
- Users under 18 are not allowed to consume alcohol in the premises and must be supervised at all times by an adult(s).
- No items to be affixed in any way to the surface of the hall.
- All goods, equipment brought into the hall by the Hirer must be removed immediately at the end of the hiring.
- The hall must be cleared after each function. All tables to be wiped clean and returned to the store room behind the stage, with chairs stacked not more than eight high in the lobby by the bar, using chair trolley.
- The hirer is responsible for ensuring there is no disturbance to local residents and for the conduct of other users.
- The hirer must remove all rubbish and leave the premises clean and tidy, spillages mopped. An extra charge will be made for cleaning if it is found necessary.
- If the large refrigerator in the store is used, this must be turned off at the end of the hiring, wiped out and the doors left slightly open.
- All internal and external lights to be turned off at the end of the hiring.
- Any previous damage noted by the Hirer must be notified immediately to the Management Committee.
- The Hirer is responsible for any damage to the premises or equipment.
- A first aid box is located in the kitchen
- A copy of the parish hall’s health and safety and risk assessment file is kept in the kitchen.
- Hirers to check that gas rings and electric elements on stove have been turned off. Main electrical switch on wall also off. EMERGENCY GAS TURN OFF HANDLE ON PIPE ABOVE STOVE.
- Room heating is operated by the thermostat situated in the main hall to the right of the door between the main hall and the bar. Please DO NOT TOUCH THE BOILER CONTROLS.
- Lavatory block heating to be increased by use of arrow on individual heaters and returned to 7C at end.
- Responsibility for the use and safety of electrical equipment (and/or other equipment specified at the time of booking) brought onto the premises by the hirer rests entirely with the hirer.
- The Management Committee does not accept any responsibility for accidents or injuries to hirers or their guests, or damage to or theft of property belonging to them. The Committee does not accept responsibility for cars or their contents, which are parked in the car park at the owner’s risk.
- Hirers must supervise children to ensure they do not run from hall into road down ungated path and also ensure they do not play in the car park.
- If Hirers engage the use of an inflatable ‘bouncy castle’ they must provide a copy of the owner’s insurance policy to the Hall Management Committee and must ensure that only the owner or their representative erects and dismantles the equipment.
- Internal doors should be closed at the end of the hiring.
November 2023